Monday, April 25, 2011

Closing time...

As the semester is coming to a close, I find myself feeling more and more like a librarian.
Part of this comes from learning how to catalog. Cataloging is the language that librarians speak, and I didn't feel quite "there" until I began to learn this language. I still stumble here and there, but I can definitely hold my own.
I am a [future] librarian!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dewey Decimal Classification

By far my favorite topic so far this semester. This is the most enjoyable to work on; for some reason I enjoy the thought process it takes to classify a book. This is just another logic puzzle that needs to be deciphered, and this is where I find my enjoyment. I'm doing okay on it so far (no better than okay), but I think with a little more practice, I will be doing much better at finding the "right" answer.


Thursday, February 24, 2011


I received my first grade on a [graded] assignment today, and I made no errors! A perfect 50/50. This affirmed in in so many ways, one in particular--I can piece together this puzzle. It really encourages me to know that not only am I doing this, but I am doing it well.
Good feeling....

Monday, January 31, 2011

L is for Librarian

I purchased this on Etsy last night with every intention to put it in my classroom. The best part? My last name starts with "L".
Have a good Monday.
(Here is the link:

Friday, January 28, 2011

You put the "rat" in frust[rat]ion!

Just when I think I have a pretty solid handle on this whole online thing, I go and mess something up! Grad's a learning process.
Anyway, I was explaining to my husband the other evening that I am really enjoying the Cataloging class for the [not so] simple reason of the cataloging process. I am an algebraic/formulaic thinker most of the time--I am a living example of someone who actually uses high school math skills on a day-to-day basis (setting up and solving proportions, even!)--and I find myself enjoying cataloging because I have to think algebraically.
I have to take information and plug it into a formula and get a specific answer in the end. If something goes wrong, the answer is wrong. If everything goes right, I feel like I have been let into a secret club for the intellectual. Am I the only one who ever feels like that? Being an English major really made me feel that way.
I am a little anxious getting into the AACR + the ISBD together, but all will be fine in the end.
I am now a firm believer that not just anyone can walk into a library and be successful.
This stuff takes some hard work!

Here's to working hard!


Thursday, January 13, 2011